vision peoples in mission

About Us

Vision Peoples in Mission (VPM) is a non-profit, charitable Christian organisation ecumenical in Kenya. VPM exists to help Kenyans who are disadvantaged and poverty stricken by holistic ministry of meeting their practical, medical, mental and spiritual needs.

VPM is a Faith Ministry and we rely on God to provide for the work through the generosity of brethren who know us and love God and the VPM’s work.

Our Motto

Our Motto

In a world of Korogocho where we are faced with untold suffering, evil and uncertainties, VPM as “the helper” in our holistic ministry, believes that only Christ is the answer to human challenges and needs under our theme “where there is no vision the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).
Our Work

Our Work

Our work is based in Korogocho, a slum based around Nairobi’s rubbish dump. Here, VPM offers primary school education to street children, feeding programme, an orphanage, a medical clinic, a vocational training programme and a church to proclaim the gospel of our lord and savior Jesus Christ in midst of human need and suffering in Korogocho.